Here you can find all ongoing and completed research projects of the Brendel research group.


Current projects

  • Energy system analysis to determine preferred fields of application for ammonia

    Project description

    Green hydrogen from renewable sources plays a pivotal role in the targeted decarbonization and defossilization of our energy and industrial system. Current energy-sector discussions indicate that, in addition to green hydrogen, other energy carriers will also be important. In this context, green ammonia is particularly significant. Because ammonia can be liquefied at relatively low pressures, it is easy to transport; its high hydrogen content also makes it an efficient hydrogen carrier. Even today, ammonia is an essential chemical feedstock and a base substance for fertilizers, making it crucial for global food production and industrial applications. Currently, ammonia is produced from natural gas (CH4) and air. Given the massive annual production volume of around 150 million tons, this process accounts for over 1% of global energy demand, with a corresponding share in worldwide CO2 emissions.

    The goal of this subproject is to provide a well-founded assessment of which applications and under which techno-economic conditions ammonia will likely be most useful in the future energy system. To capture the critical feedback effects between supply and demand, a holistic energy system simulation approach is adopted. This setup can map various pathways for utilizing and converting ammonia, along with other green hydrogen derivatives, as well as the supply of competing energy carriers and technologies. To this end, the existing inverse energy system analysis in ESTRAM will be further developed. A multi-criteria optimization method will be employed, making it possible not only to minimize total system costs but also to incorporate economic viability criteria for ammonia use as additional optimization objectives. The resulting Pareto fronts will help identify “no-regret” applications for green ammonia. In addition, analyses will be conducted to explore the role and potential uses of ammonia in comparison to other green fuels, particularly hydrogen, LH2, and LOHC. The regional focus of the use cases under investigation will be in Lower Saxony.

    Project partners

    Institute for Particle Technology (TU Braunschweig)

    Project duration

    01.08.2025 to 31.10.2028

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.

    Project leader

    Raphael Niepelt
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • Ruths energy storage system design methodology

    Project description

    The inexpensive, location-independent, and resource-saving storage of electrical energy is the central unsolved problem in the transition to fluctuating energy sources. One possible solution would be the emerging technology of Carnot batteries (CBs), where electrical energy is converted into heat, which is then stored in inexpensive materials and then converted back into electrical energy as needed, e.g., by means of turbomachinery.

    In this project, an inverse design methodology for a Ruths storage system is being developed in collaboration with the Institute of Thermodynamics. This variant oft the Carnot Battery consists of two wet-steam storage tanks at different pressure, coupled by a compressor and an expansion device, so electric energy can be converted into internal thermal energy and vice versa. The size of the tanks and the fluid energy machinery must be well matched to the specific application, which could be an urban city housing district or an industrial production plant. The inverse design is started with an energy system analysis tool to find suitable boundary conditions, a first version of an appropriate technical design is returned back, so a first cost and feasibility assessment can be given. The procedure is repeated for optimization. The Institute of Solid State Physics handles the energy system analysis using ESTRAM and the Institute of Thermodynamics the technical design.

    The project is part of the DFG Priority Programme 2403 "Carnot Batteries: Inverse Design from Markets to Molecules". The fundamentally new approach of this priority program is the comprehensive inverse top-down design methodology, which, starting from the energy system and markets as target variables step by step towards the smaller, aims at the optimal design as well as optimal modes of operation, with corresponding cycles, storages, machines, and fluids , and in turn optimally combines these components - which have not been considered so far. The project therefore involves a close exchange with the other 16 sub-projects in the priority programme.

    Project partners

    Institute of Thermodynamics (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

    Project duration

    01.03.2024 to 28.02.2027

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the project number 525892660.

    Project leader

    Raphael Niepelt
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • FuturePV: Foundations for photovoltaic technologies of the future

    Project description

    The aim of the FuturePV research network is to establish an interdisciplinary cooperation network of research groups in Lower Saxony as a graduate college in the field of photovoltaics. In view of the central importance of photovoltaics for the future energy supply in Lower Saxony, Germany and worldwide, research into fundamental issues of photovoltaics is to be strengthened. As part of the FuturePV project, 12 doctoral theses are to be carried out in research groups with very different areas of expertise (e.g. ab-initio band structure calculations, synthesis of new PV materials, solar cell production and analysis, simulation of components) on current topics in photovoltaic research. The planned doctoral theses are intended to form the basis for the long-term further development of photovoltaic technologies, even beyond the foreseeable development stages of the coming years. The network structure is based on a research training group, i.e. doctoral theses are carried out in the various participating research groups, the results of which are exchanged and discussed in detail in joint workshops. The topics of the planned doctoral theses cover the entire spectrum of photovoltaic research, from materials research and innovative characterization methods to the production of solar cell prototypes and innovative module contacting and optics. One thematic focus is the highly topical research on tandem cells based on metal halide perovskites as well as the fundamental understanding of perovskites as an extremely promising new class of materials for the photovoltaics of the future.

    The Institute of Solid State Physics is using simulations and experimental studies at the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin to investigate innovative methods for contacting and connecting solar cells in PV modules with the aim of minimizing optical losses.

    Project partners

    • Leibniz Universität Hannover (LiFE2025, Institute of Power Electronics and Drive Control, Institute of Electronic Materials and Components)
    • Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hameln
    • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
    • Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
    • University of Hamburg

    Project duration

    01.12.2023 to 30.11.2027

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture as part of the zukunft.niedersachsen research program.

    Project leader

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Brendel
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • NextGenPV: Photovoltaics of the next generation - Lower Saxony competence network

    Project description

    Photovoltaics (PV) will play a prominent role in a decarbonized and decentralized energy supply. To date, the PV market has been dominated by silicon technology, which uses only one absorber material, namely silicon, to convert light into electrical energy and is approaching its practical efficiency limit of around 27%. Next-generation photovoltaic technologies under development combine two or more absorber materials, with perovskite and silicon tandems in particular seen as promising. The efficiency potential of 42% and above promises a further reduction in the levelized cost of electricity and a reduction in the amount of land required for PV. For this reason, intensive research is being carried out on this technology worldwide. A key requirement for new absorber materials is sufficient long-term stability, which still needs to be improved in the case of perovskites.

    The “NextGenPV” research alliance pools the expertise of Leibniz Universität Hannover, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg, TU Braunschweig, TU Clausthal and the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hameln and complements it with the expertise of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The project is led by the Leibniz Research Center Energy 2050. It consists of three sub-projects. Sub-project 1 investigates in particular the fundamentals and possibilities for improving the stability of perovskites. Sub-project 2 focuses on demonstrating possible solutions in high-efficiency solar cells and modules. In sub-project 3, the Institute of Solid State Physics is concerned with yield forecasts, whereby the use of perovskite/silicon PV in Lower Saxony is being examined with high temporal and spatial resolution. Together with other partners, environmental aspects and recycling options are being considered.

    Project partners

    • Leibniz Universität Hannover (LiFE2025, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry)
    • Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hameln
    • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
    • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    • Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
    • Technische Universität Braunschweig
    • Clausthal University of Technology

    Project duration

    01.12.2023 to 30.11.2027

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture as part of the zukunft.niedersachsen research program.

    Project leader

    Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich Wietler
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • DIGI-PV - Digital planning and automated production of building-integrated photovoltaics

    Project description

    The goal of the DIGI-PV project is to reduce barriers for the widespread use of PV technology to harness a significantly larger area of building facades for energy utilization, with a focus on existing buildings. Current obstacles include complex planning processes for BIPV facades and the non-automated and consequently costly production of BIPV modules. To address this, automated processes and tools are being developed to empower planners, producers, and users to implement efficient and cost-effective processes throughout multiple phases of the product life cycle. These range from methods for highly automated capture, digitization, classification, and structuring of existing building surfaces to the development of digital twins of buildings, automated design of BIPV modules for optimal use of building surfaces, and procedures for automated production planning and optimization for sustainable production of PV facade elements. In this subproject, the conditions for the automated design of PV facades and the processes for the resulting bills of materials and product details for the manufactured PV modules are being developed. For the production of PV modules, the interactions between process parameters and the characteristics of cell strings and PV modules are determined to achieve the best possible quality, with a particular focus on short commissioning times for modified processes. Adapted and flexible characterization methods and AI-based procedures for their evaluation are being developed. The project's developments will be transferred to a flexible research line, evaluated in operation, and demonstrated through a real BIPV facade.

    Project partners

    • Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Montagetechnik)
    • Institut für Solarenergieforschung in Hameln
    • GmbH
    • Viscoda GmbH
    • Flachglas Sülzfeld GmbH

    Project duration

    01.07.2023 to 30.06.2026

    Funding body

    The DIGI-PV project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection under the funding code 03EE1187D.

    Project leader

    Dr. Dennis Bredemeier
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • Flexible energy sources for the energy transition (H2-FEE): Development of an open WebGIS for the digital analysis of PtG potentials at decentralised energy sites

    Project description

    Green hydrogen and other green energy sources are elementary for achieving the goal of a climate-neutral economy in Germany by 2045. In this context, the development of a hydrogen economy holds great opportunities for Lower Saxony as a business location. However, there is a considerable need for advice in the field of H2, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and municipalities in rural areas. H2-FEE addresses the question of how SMEs and rural areas can be supported in profitably establishing a green hydrogen economy. How do the partners benefit economically from this and what key elements are necessary for this?

    In the project, the project partners Nefino, EnergieSynergie, the Institute of Solid State Physics and the Institute of Environmental Planning are jointly developing an Open-WebGIS platform that combines the interdisciplinary knowledge of the consortium partners in a holistic approach and allows customised GIS-based services to profitably serve the needs of companies and municipalities. This will enable small, decentralised players in Lower Saxony to be quickly supported in the development of green hydrogen-based and green gas business models in the future.

    At the Institute of Solid State Physics, regional market potentials for hydrogen and synthetic green gases for various future scenarios of the energy system are being determined with the Energy System Analysis funds. These potentials form an important basis in the Open-WebGIS for the evaluation of successful green gas business models in rural areas. These data are supplemented by know-how of the project partners, especially on potentials for the production of green hydrogen and green gases as well as on (re)use options for already existing infrastructures.

    Project partners

    • Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Umweltplanung)
    • EnergieSynergie GmbH
    • Nefino GmbH

    Project duration

    01.07.2022 to 30.06.2025

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen (NBank) within the framework of the Lower Saxony Hydrogen Guideline.

    Project leader

    Raphael Niepelt
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • Hydrogen Supply Networks (HyNEAT): Provisioning Networks for Hydrogen Powered Aviation

    Project description

    Will hydrogen be the solution to climate neutrality in the aviation industry? As promising as the approach is, the challenges facing the aviation industry in implementing it are also great. The project "HyNEAT - Hydrogen Supply Networks' Evolution for Air Transport" is researching supply networks for hydrogen-powered aviation. The focus is on green hydrogen and its cost-effective production and transport.

    Propulsion systems based on green hydrogen for larger commercial aircraft are a promising alternative for climate-friendly aviation. Only if the hydrogen is produced from renewable energies can its use contribute to climate protection. In addition to the need to develop new propulsion systems and aircraft concepts, one of the greatest challenges is the establishment of a corresponding hydrogen infrastructure that enables competitive costs for the operation of the new types of aircraft. This is where the HyNEAT project comes in and investigates whether and in which countries renewable energies will be sufficiently available in the future and where international supply relationships should be established. The aim is to identify global and local potentials for the cost-effective production of green hydrogen for aviation. Particular attention is also paid to ensuring that this also takes place in harmony with the overall energy transition and design of aviation networks.

    The Solar working group of the FKP is taking on two tasks in HyNEAT: with the help of ESTRAM, the effects of hydrogen use at airport locations on regional energy systems are to be analysed. In addition, ESTRAM will be used to identify hydrogen supply options in a networked transforming energy system in Europe.

    Project partners

    • Science: Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme und Institut für Umweltökonomik und Welthandel), TU Braunschweig, TU Clausthal, TU Hamburg, ISFH
    • IndustryAirbus, Deutsche Aircraft, MTU Aero Engines, Lufthansa Group, Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum, Flughafen Hamburg GmbH, Flughafen München GmbH sowie FMO Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück GmbH, Linde GmbH, Siemens Energy, EWE, der Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft und McKinsey & Company

    Project duration

    01.05.2022 to 31.04.2025

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

    Project leader

    Dr. Dennis Bredemeier
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • Weather station

    Project description

    The weather station at the Appelstr./Schneiderberg site records solar irradiance (global, diffuse and direct) as well as air temperature, wind speed and direction. These data are needed as input parameters for the simulation of photovoltaic (PV) energy yields and are to be used as part of a future course in which students learn how to carry out PV yield simulations by calculating the energy yields of the university's neighbouring PV plant and comparing them with the yields actually achieved. To improve the data basis, another weather station of identical construction was also put into operation at the ISFH in Emmerthal at the beginning of 2022.

    Project duration

    01.04.2021 to 31.03.2023

    Funding body

    The project is funded by study quality funds (climate protection and sustainability) and by institute funds.

    Project leader

    Dr. Dennis Bredemeier
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover

Project archive

  • H2-Wegweiser Niedersachsen: Designing a hydrogen-based energy system in Lower Saxony

    Project description

    The "H2-Wegweiser Niedersachsen" examines how a hydrogen-based energy system of the future can be concretely designed in Lower Saxony, which technical variants are advantageous and what influence legal, ecological and economic aspects have. The result is a closed and holistic methodology for the conception and evaluation of combinable storage, transport, conversion and utilisation processes, which can be used to concretise Lower Saxony's hydrogen implementation strategy.

    For this purpose, the individual phases of the hydrogen chain will be considered by model approaches at different levels of detail and analysed and evaluated with regard to the above-mentioned aspects. For this purpose, the project deals with the different aspects of a hydrogen economy on three levels of content: The technical level answers questions on the underground storage of hydrogen in cavern and pore storage facilities as well as on the conversion of hydrogen into hydrocarbons and ammonia. The socio-ecological level deals with environmental impacts and ecological assessments. Another important aspect is the question of the legal framework for hydrogen plants in the energy sector. The system level then summarises the results, puts them into a temporal and spatial context by means of scenario analyses and shows which business models are both economically viable and ecologically sensible.

    All investigations take into account the special boundary conditions that predestine Lower Saxony for a pioneering role in the development of a hydrogen economy, and can draw on intensive support from a large number of industrial practice partners.

    Project partners

    • Institut für Solarenergieforschung (ISFH)
    • Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Elektrische Energiesysteme und Institut für Umweltplanung)
    • Clausthaler Umwelttechnik Forschungszentrum (CUTEC)
    • Technische Universität Clausthal (Institut für Aufbereitung, Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaftssysteme, Institut für deutsches und internationales Berg- und Energierecht, Institut für Endlagerforschung und Institut für Chemische und Elektrochemische Verfahrenstechnik)

    Project duration

    01.05.2021 to 30.04.2024

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) as part of the Hydrogen Technology Science Alliance: Innovation Laboratories for Hydrogen Technologies.


    Project leader

    Raphael Niepelt
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • Modelling the Energy System Transformation (MET): Development of a Framework for Optimising Decarbonised Energy Systems

    Project description

    Climate change requires the transformation of the energy system from one dominantly based on fossil fuels to one dominantly based on fluctuating renewable energies. This transformation has reached a point in Germany today where the politically and socially desired further conversion is generating increasingly strong pressure for change on existing technologies, spatial planning and market-based structures.

    The transformed energy system must be technically and economically feasible and accepted by the vast majority of citizens in our democratic state. In the public discussion, individual aspects of the energy transition are regularly used in the service of justified particular interests. The numerous interdependencies of the transformation process remain largely unreflected. These can only be taken into account through appropriate, integrated models of the energy transition.

    The members of the interdisciplinary and interfaculty Leibniz Research Centre Energy 2050 (LiFE 2050) conduct research for the energy transition. There is broad and deep expert knowledge in LiFE 2050 about the individual components of the current and future energy system (wind power, photovoltaics, solar thermal, gas power plants, heat pumps, electrolysers, storage for electricity, gas and heat, grids for electricity, gas and heat, electromobility) as well as expert knowledge about economic modelling and spatial planning. This knowledge will be brought together in the ESTRAM software to be jointly developed for the transformation of the energy system. On the one hand, ESTRAM contains the central knowledge from the individual disciplines and, on the other hand, takes into account the most important interactions between them. Important questions about the significance of current research work at LUH for the progress of the energy transition can be examined by means of energy system simulations with regard to technology, economics, spatial planning and acceptance. This is exemplified with questions from the field of solar energy.

    ESTRAM can be used to find out which future technical developments are particularly urgent with regard to the success of the energy transition, because they limit costs and space requirements if emission reduction targets are met. Finally, regionally specific questions will be answered, such as the role of solar energy in Lower Saxony.

    Project duration

    01.12.2017 to 30.11.2021 (extended to 30.11.2023)

    Project partners

    The MET project takes place in cooperation with the ISFH, Institute for Electrical Energy Systems and the Institute for Business Informatics at Leibniz Universität Hannover.

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.

    Selected publications

    Project leader

    Raphael Niepelt
    Research Staff
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
  • GENESIS: Novel and advanced production processes for the next generation of silicon solar cells

    Project description

    Reference is made here to the project description on the ISFH website.

    Project duration

    01.05.2018 to 31.10.2021

    Project partners

    The project is taking place in collaboration with InnoLas Solutions GmbH, RENA Technologies GmbH, Centrotherm Photovoltaics AG, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Freiburg.

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

  • SiKuWa: Simulative short study on the use of hydrogen technology in Lower Saxony

    Project description

    Green chemical energy carriers produced with renewably generated electricity are an important future building block of the energy transition. They are needed above all for processes and consumers that are difficult to defossilise with electricity and for storing energy to balance generation and consumption. By means of model calculations carried out with the programme ReLoS (Renewable Lower Saxony) developed for this purpose, we investigate which quantities of hydrogen could be used in Lower Saxony's energy system in the future, how the hydrogen supply is divided between import and domestic production in this context, and in which areas the use of hydrogen makes sense from an energy system perspective. We will carry out a techno-economic optimisation of the entire Lower Saxony energy system, which will ensure that the needs of all sectors are covered while complying with the politically specified CO2 reduction targets. Presumed acceptance limits for the expansion of renewable energies are taken into account. The transfer of renewable energy and hydrogen to other federal states is allowed by the model and is taken into account by an approximation. The model calculates the Lower Saxony energy transition with hourly time resolution from 2018 to 2050 and with Lower Saxony weather. Possible bottlenecks and additional demands resulting from the energy transport are not taken into account, except for the electricity transport losses.

    Project duration

    01.03.2020 to 31.07.2020

    Funding body

    The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture and the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection.

    Project leader

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Brendel
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover
    Appelstraße 2
    30167 Hannover