Publikationen aus dem Institut für Festkörperphysik

Zeige Ergebnisse 681 - 700 von 1171


Ubbelohde, N., Fricke, C., Flindt, C., Hohls, F., & Haug, R. J. (2012). Measurement of finite-frequency current statistics in a single-electron transistor. Nature Communications, 3, Artikel 612.
Ubbelohde, N., Roszak, K., Hohls, F., Maire, N., Haug, R. J., & Novotný, T. (2012). Strong quantum memory at resonant Fermi edges revealed by shot noise. Scientific reports, 2, Artikel 374.
Vasil'eva, G. Y., Alekseev, P. S., Ivanov, Y. L., Vasil'ev, Y. B., Smirnov, D., Schmidt, H., Haug, R. J., Gouider, F., & Nachtwei, G. (2012). Magnetoresistance of single-layer graphene under the conditions of short-range potential scattering. JETP letters, 96(7), 471-474.
Veith, B., Dullweber, T., Kranz, C., Werner, F., Harder, N. P., Schmidt, J., Roos, B. F. P., Dippell, T., & Brendel, R. (2012). Comparison of ICP-AlOx and ALD-Al2O3 layers for the rear surface passivation of c-Si solar cells. Energy Procedia, 27, 379-384.
Vermang, B., Werner, F., Stals, W., Lorenz, A., Rothschild, A., John, J., Poortmans, J., Mertens, R., Gortzen, R., Poodt, P., Roozeboom, F., & Schmidt, J. (2012). Spatially-separated atomic layer deposition of Al 2O 3, a new option for high-throughput si solar cell passivation. In Program : 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2011 (S. 1144-1149). Artikel 6186155 (Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference).
Wietler, T. F., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Bugiel, E., & Rojas, E. G. (2012). Relaxed germanium on porous silicon substrates. In 2012 International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting, ISTDM 2012 - Proceedings (S. 150-151). Artikel 6222502 (2012 International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting, ISTDM 2012 - Proceedings).


Barthold, P., Lüdtke, T., Schmidt, H., & Haug, R. J. (2011). Low-temperature hysteresis in the field effect of bilayer graphene. New journal of physics, 13, Artikel 043020.
Block, T., Tegenkamp, C., Baringhaus, J., Pfnür, H., & Inaoka, T. (2011). Plasmons in Pb nanowire arrays on Si(557): Between one and two dimensions. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84(20), Artikel 205402.
Bockhorn, L., Barthold, P., Schuh, D., Wegscheider, W., & Haug, R. J. (2011). Magnetoresistance in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(11), Artikel 113301.
Brendel, R., Petermann, J. H., Zielke, D., Schulte-Huxel, H., Kessler, M., Gatz, S., Eidelloth, S., Bock, R., Garralaga Rojas, E., Schmidt, J., & Dullweber, T. (2011). High-efficiency cells from layer transfer: A first step toward thin-film/wafer hybrid silicon technologies. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 1(1), 9-15. Artikel 6018975.
Brendel, R. (2011). Modeling solar cells with the dopant-diffused layers treated as conductive boundaries. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 20(1), 31-43.
Eldridge, P. S., Hübner, J., Oertel, S., Harley, R. T., Henini, M., & Oestreich, M. (2011). Spin-orbit fields in asymmetric (001)-oriented GaAs/AlxGa 1-xAs quantum wells. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(4), Artikel 041301.
English, D. J., Lagoudakis, P. G., Harley, R. T., Eldridge, P. S., Hübner, J., & Oestreich, M. (2011). Strain-induced spin relaxation anisotropy in symmetric (001)-oriented GaAs quantum wells. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84(15), Artikel 155323.
Ernst, M., & Brendel, R. (2011). Modeling effective carrier lifetimes of passivated macroporous silicon layers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95(4), 1197-1202.
Ferré, R., Gogolin, R., Müller, J., Harder, N. P., & Brendel, R. (2011). Laser transfer doping for contacting n-type crystalline Si solar cells. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 208(8), 1964-1966.
Ferré, R., Martín, I., Trassl, R., Alcubilla, R., & Brendel, R. (2011). Simultaneous gettering and emitter formation in multicrystalline-Si wafers by annealing phosphorus doped amorphous silicon compounds. Applied physics letters, 98(2), Artikel 022102.
Fricke, L., Hohls, F., Ubbelohde, N., Kaestner, B., Kashcheyevs, V., Leicht, C., Mirovsky, P., Pierz, K., Schumacher, H. W., & Haug, R. J. (2011). Quantized current source with mesoscopic feedback. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83(19), Artikel 193306.
Fricke, C., Hohls, F., Sethubalasubramanian, N., Fricke, L., & Haug, R. J. (2011). Transport through a quantum dot analyzed by electron counting. In Physics of Semiconductors: 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, ICPS-30 (S. 305-306). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Band 1399). American Institute of Physics Inc..,
Gatz, S., Hannebauer, H., Hesse, R., Werner, F., Schmidt, A., Dullweber, T., Schmidt, J., Bothe, K., & Brendel, R. (2011). 19.4%-efficient large-area fully screen-printed silicon solar cells. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 5(4), 147-149.
Gatz, S., Bothe, K., Müller, J., Dullweber, T., & Brendel, R. (2011). Analysis of local Al-doped back surface fields for high efficiency screen-printed solar cells. Energy Procedia, 8, 318-323.,