Publikationen aus dem Institut für Festkörperphysik

Zeige Ergebnisse 641 - 660 von 1169


Zielke, D., Sylla, D., Neubert, T., Brendel, R., & Schmidt, J. (2013). Direct laser texturing for high-efficiency silicon solar cells. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 3(2), 656-661. Artikel 6378387.


Brendel, R., Altermatt, P. P., & Steingrube, S. (2012). Limits to model amphoteric defect recombination via SRH statistics. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 209(2), 390-400.
Dahbashi, R., Hübner, J., Berski, F., Wiegand, J., Marie, X., Pierz, K., Schumacher, H. W., & Oestreich, M. (2012). Measurement of heavy-hole spin dephasing in (InGa)As quantum dots. Applied Physics Letters, 100(3), Artikel 031906.
Dullweber, T., Gatz, S., Hannebauer, H., Falcon, T., Hesse, R., Schmidt, J., & Brendel, R. (2012). Towards 20% efficient large-area screen-printed rear-passivated silicon solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 20(6), 630-638.
Eidelloth, S., Haase, F., & Brendel, R. (2012). Simulation tool for equivalent circuit modeling of photovoltaic devices. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 2(4), 572-579. Artikel 6179294.
Enomoto, K., Djuricanin, P., Gerhardt, I., Nourbakhsh, O., Moriwaki, Y., Hardy, W., & Momose, T. (2012). Superconducting microwave cavity to control the motion of polar molecules. Applied Physics B, 109, 149-157.
Ernst, M., Brendel, R., Ferré, R., Harder, N. P., & Kajari-Schröder, S. (2012). Macroporous silicon as an absorber for thin heterojunction solar cells. In Program - 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2012 (S. 1040-1045). Artikel 6317781 (Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference).
Ernst, M., Zywietz, U., & Brendel, R. (2012). Point contact openings in surface passivated macroporous silicon layers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 105, 113-118.
Ernst, M., Brendel, R., Ferré, R., & Harder, N. P. (2012). Thin macroporous silicon heterojunction solar cells. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 6(5), 187-189.
Gatz, S., Müller, J., Dullweber, T., & Brendel, R. (2012). Analysis and Optimization of the Bulk and Rear Recombination of Screen-Printed PERC Solar Cells. Energy Procedia, 27, 95-102.,
Gatz, S., Dullweber, T., Mertens, V., Einsele, F., & Brendel, R. (2012). Firing stability of SiNy/SiNx stacks for the surface passivation of crystalline silicon solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 96, 180-185.
Gerhardt, I., Sin, K., & Momose, T. (2012). Excitation and emission spectra of rubidium in rare-gas thin-films. The journal of chemical physics, 137, 014507.
Gerhardt, I., & Hanke, T. (2012). Homomorphic Payment Addresses and the Pay-to-Contract Protocol. (S. 1-11). Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Govor, L. V., Bauer, G. H., Lüdtke, T., Haug, R. J., & Parisi, J. (2012). Charge transport in one-dimensional chains of nanoparticles. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 6(1), 16-18.
Herlufsen, S., Bothe, K., Schmidt, J., Brendel, R., & Siegmund, S. (2012). Dynamic photoluminescence lifetime imaging of multicrystalline silicon bricks. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 106, 42-46.
Herlufsen, S., Hinken, D., Offer, M., Schmidt, J., & Bothe, K. (2012). Validity of calibrated photoluminescence lifetime measurements of crystalline silicon wafers for arbitrary lifetime and injection ranges. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 3(1), 381-386. Artikel 6329921.
Kessler, M., Ohrdes, T., Altermatt, P. P., & Brendel, R. (2012). The effect of sample edge recombination on the averaged injection-dependent carrier lifetime in silicon. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(5), Artikel 054508.
Krieg, U., Brand, C., Tegenkamp, C., & Pfnür, H. (2012). One-dimensional collective excitations in Ag atomic wires grown on Si(557). Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 25(1), Artikel 014013.
Langer, T., Pfnür, H., Tegenkamp, C., Forti, S., Emtsev, K., & Starke, U. (2012). Manipulation of plasmon electron-hole coupling in quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene layers. New Journal of Physics, 14, Artikel 103045.
Lükermann, D., Sologub, S., Pfnür, H., Klein, C., Horn-Von Hoegen, M., & Tegenkamp, C. (2012). Scattering at magnetic and nonmagnetic impurities on surfaces with strong spin-orbit coupling. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86(19), Artikel 195432.