Open Positions

We are hiring!

Here you can find various open positions in our group. Please note that you are still welcome to apply, even if there is not a position which fully suits your needs. All our positions live of your personal excitement, and the motivation to do science.

You can apply here

You want to get to know us first? You are also welcome to contact the individual group members, or come around for a lab-tour.

We would be pleased to receive your unsolicited application.

Undergraduate Positions

 Open topics:

Exploring the Bell-polytope with entangled photons
Measuring Spin-Noise and correlated continous variables
Atomic Isotope separation in hot atomic vapor cells

Hands-on quantum cryptography & quantum randomness

Building a lithium vapor based Faraday filter

Making single photons by using single molecules

Atomic quantum magnetometry / optically pumped magnetometers

PhD and Postdoc positions

Open topics:

Making the brightest single photon source in the world

Building an optical pumped magnetometer for environmental sensing
Utilizing hot atomic vapors for novel and crazy experiments

Implementing and hacking quantum communication

Generating random numbers based on quantum mechanics