Self-assembled InGaAs-quantum dots are promising candidates for future applications in quantum computing, quantum communication and quantum cryptography devices and, by that, have been already studied in our research group (see "Spin Dynamic of Single Spins in Quantum Dots").
In addition we use special quantum dots with emission wavelengths in the telecom-C-band, which is commonly used in fiber and communications technologies. In consequence an optimal compability between qubit and the fiber and communication components can be ensured.
Besides from standard characterization methods such as photoluminescence, we employ the technique of spin noise spectroscopy to investigate the spin dynamics of holes localized in the telecom-C-band quantum dots.
A typical measured spin noise spectrum shows at least two Lorentzian-like contributions. Further measurements of the spin noise power and the spin relaxation rate in dependence of the external longitudinal magnetic field, the probe laser power and the detuning will be used to reveal the origin of the different contributions.
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30167 Hannover