Publikationen aus dem Institut für Festkörperphysik

Zeige Ergebnisse 461 - 480 von 1170


Kalmbach, C. C., Ahlers, F. J., Schurr, J., Müller, A., Feilhauer, J., Kruskopf, M., Pierz, K., Hohls, F., & Haug, R. J. (2016). Nonequilibrium mesoscopic conductance fluctuations as the origin of 1/f noise in epitaxial graphene. Physical Review B, 94(20), Artikel 205430.
Kanthasamy, K. (2016). Charge transport through biphenyl and ferrocene based on single-molecule junctions. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Kanthasamy, K., Ring, M., Nettelroth, D., Tegenkamp, C., Butenschön, H., Pauly, F., & Pfnür, H. (2016). Charge Transport through Ferrocene 1,1′-Diamine Single-Molecule Junctions. Small, 12(35), 4849-4856.
Kiefer, F., Krügener, J., Heinemeyer, F., Jestremski, M., Osten, H. J., Brendel, R., & Peibst, R. (2016). Bifacial, fully screen-printed n-PERT solar cells with BF2 and B implanted emitters. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 157, 326-330.
Kiefer, F., Krugener, J., Heinemeyer, F., Osten, H.-J., Brendel, R., & Peibst, R. (2016). Structural Investigation of Printed Ag/Al Contacts on Silicon and Numerical Modeling of Their Contact Recombination. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 6(5), 1175-1182. Artikel 7527615.
Koch, J., Kröger, P., Pfnür, H., & Tegenkamp, C. (2016). Surface state conductivity in epitaxially grown Bi1-xSbx(111) films. New Journal of Physics, 18(9), Artikel 093012.
Kotzian, M., Gallego-Marcos, F., Platero, G., & Haug, R. J. (2016). Channel blockade in a two-path triple-quantum-dot system. Physical Review B, 94(3), Artikel 035442.
Kranz, C., Petermann, J. H., Dullweber, T., & Brendel, R. (2016). Simulation-based Efficiency Gain Analysis of 21.2%-efficient Screen-printed PERC Solar Cells. Energy Procedia, 92, 109-115.
Kuhn, H., Lonnemann, J. G., Berski, F., Hübner, J., & Oestreich, M. (2016). Electron g-factor fluctuations in highly n-doped GaAs at high temperatures detected by ultrafast spin noise spectroscopy. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 254(5), Artikel 1600574.
Lichtenstein, T., Tegenkamp, C., & Pfnür, H. (2016). Lateral electronic screening in quasi-one-dimensional plasmons. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 28(35), Artikel 354001.
Lichtenstein, T., Aulbach, J., Schäfer, J., Claessen, R., Tegenkamp, C., & Pfnür, H. (2016). Two-dimensional crossover and strong coupling of plasmon excitations in arrays of one-dimensional atomic wires. Physical Review B, 93(16), Artikel 161408.
Miccoli, I., Edler, F., Pfnür, H., Appelfeller, S., Dähne, M., Holtgrewe, K., Sanna, S., Schmidt, W. G., & Tegenkamp, C. (2016). Atomic size effects studied by transport in single silicide nanowires. Physical Review B, 93(12), Artikel 125412.
Naskar, S., Miethe, J. F., Sánchez-Paradinas, S., Schmidt, N., Kanthasamy, K., Behrens, P., Pfnür, H., & Bigall, N. C. (2016). Photoluminescent Aerogels from Quantum Wells. Chemistry of materials, 28(7), 2089-2099.
Oestreich, M., & Hübner, J. (2016). Comment on "two-Dimensional Optical Control of Electron Spin Orientation by Linearly Polarized Light in InGaAs". Physical Review Letters, 117(13), Artikel 139701.
Peibst, R., Römer, U., Larionova, Y., Rienäcker, M., Merkle, A., Folchert, N., Reiter, S., Turcu, M., Min, B., Krügener, J., Tetzlaff, D., Bugiel, E., Wietler, T., & Brendel, R. (2016). Working principle of carrier selective poly-Si/c-Si junctions: Is tunnelling the whole story? Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 158, 60-67.
Reiter, S., Koper, N., Reineke-Koch, R., Larionova, Y., Turcu, M., Krügener, J., Tetzlaff, D., Wietler, T., Höhne, U., Kähler, J. D., Brendel, R., & Peibst, R. (2016). Parasitic Absorption in Polycrystalline Si-layers for Carrier-selective Front Junctions. Energy Procedia, 92, 199-204.
Rienäcker, M., Merkle, A., Römer, U., Kohlenberg, H., Krügener, J., Brendel, R., & Peibst, R. (2016). Recombination Behavior of Photolithography-free Back Junction Back Contact Solar Cells with Carrier-selective Polysilicon on Oxide Junctions for Both Polarities. Energy Procedia, 92, 412-418.
Rode, J. C., Smirnov, D., Schmidt, H., & Haug, R. J. (2016). Berry phase transition in twisted bilayer graphene. 2D Materials, 3(3), Artikel 035005.
Schafer, S., Gemmel, C., Kajari-Schroder, S., & Brendel, R. (2016). Light Trapping and Surface Passivation of Micron-Scaled Macroporous Blind Holes. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 6(2), 397-403. Artikel 7360866.
Schmidt, J., Zielke, D., Gogolin, R., Sauer-Stieglitz, R., & Lövenich, W. (2016). Recent advances in polymer/silicon heterojunction solar cells. In Proc. 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Munich, Germany